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Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Love You Mom

Love You Mom

Mom, you have always been an influence;
In all the things that we do and say.
You have loved us all, through all of these years.
Which you have shown in all kinds of ways.

There's not been a time you're not on our mind.
In ev'ry little thing we do each day.
You will always be here within our hearts.
In all of the choices that we make.

Your heart of courage has inspired.
Your faithful hands have served willingly.
Your care for us has not been hidden.
Your friendship, Mother, precious to me. 

I've understood you more than before;
Mothers live a life of sacrifice.
For the longer I live, the longer I know.
Mothers, do not have an easy life.

Your work has been the work of champions.
To me, nobody compares to you.
You make the best fudge, That's what I think.
Little things like that matter too.

Mom, sometimes it's so hard to express;
Just how lovely a person you are.
With pen in hand and ink on paper;
I speak with love for you and all you are.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom

Susan Y Nikitenko
April 30th, 2022 ©

This poem is singable...

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link Back To This Blog. Thank-You.Images are not all Christian, but put here for the purposes of doing good works of faith, family and country.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Caring For The Fallen

Caring for the Fallen 

I was given  a hanging basket of mixed million bells and petunias.  I took the hanger part of it off and sat it inside a stand.  The stand was blown over during a storm and the basket of flowers  fell to the ground.  The flower was damaged in the fall, many flower limbs broke off  and it was not the perfect beauty  it once was.  I picked up all the pieces and I put the stand back into place.  I returned the basket of flowers to the stand, arranged the flowers a bit and watered it.  A few days later somehow the stand and the flower basket fell again.  It caused even more damage to the flower.  I was disappointed that the flower had been damaged so much.   I put the stand back into place, did some things to secure the stand and put the basket of flowers inside of it.  I watered the flowers and straightened out the flower branches as best I could.  The stand somehow fell at least two or three other times during the week,  but  I finally found a way to secure it so it wouldn't fall again.  I thought my flower basket of flowers would never recover from the many damaging things that had happened to it.  The remarkable thing about this basket of flowers is that after a while , it did recover and is as beautiful as it was the day that I received it.  I think it is even more beautiful  than it was when it was new.  I was very careful to take care of my basket of flowers even though it had lost its original beauty.  I did not give up on it when it had gone through shock and change.   I enjoy it more, I think because,  I watched it survive and become even more beautiful than some of my other flower baskets  that had never fallen. 
     I'm so glad that God doesn't give up on us and also for the people who don't give up on us in life.
The people who love us no matter what.  We all mess up sometimes and fall short in some way.
Sometimes things are hard in life  but God will use those thing to make us more usable
and more like Him.

Susan Y Nikitenko
August 6th, 2017

 Proverbs 24:16 For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Blessings From Heaven Poster

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Friday, March 27, 2015

So Many Shadows Of Heaven

So Many Shadows Of Heaven

So many shadows of heaven;
Are everywhere to be found.
From orange red skies to butterflies;
From roses to forest stream sounds.

The powers of space and beyond;
The lights of the stars shining down.
The sun twinkling through the trees;
The spring flowers dancing around.

The rocks and riches of mountains;
The minerals of precious stones;
And beautiful flowing fountains.
Were created from heavens throne.

So many shadows of heaven;
Are created to bring Him praise.
The greatness of our God above;
Oh, how excellent, all His ways

The snowflakes and all their designs;
The fall leaves in colors displayed.
The spring bringing life once again;
The summers grand finally played.

So many shadows of heaven;
From wonder to wonders each day.
Like family and friendship too;
And God's Word leading us the way.

So many shadows of heaven;
Reminders of what's yet to be.
For those who trust in Christ alone;
The wonders of e-tern-it-y.

Susan Y Nikitenko
March 27th, 2015

John 1:1-3

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.The same was in the beginning with God.  All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Returning To Our First Love - Jude 1:21, Thessalonians 3:3

Returning To Our First Love

I was walking in the park and I was thinking about my heart garden.  This past  year I've had to struggle with a decision that I made last year.  I planted some double purple  bell flowers in my garden knowing very well that they tend to take over.  They are very beautiful and go so well with my firework primrose.
They are just such trouble makers though, I've had to work continuously trying to keep them under control.  They just keep coming back no matter how hard I work.  I still love them, I just don't want them getting into everything.   They tend to kill the other plants around them because their roots take over.
I had to partially dig up my garden and plant new seed.  My garden started blooming with tall orange Cosmos flowers.  They look very nice especially because they are still blooming and they go well with the pumpkins and mums set out for the fall season.

Sometimes in life we allow things into our hearts that we shouldn't let in.  Bitterness, discontentment, or perhaps loving something more than we love God.  The longer we leave it there, the more the roots take over.  This is why we need to keep ourselves aware of what is growing in our hearts, or life or family, or government, because all these areas of life can be overtaken by a silent enemy and the enemy can seem very harmless and beautiful.  If left alone to grow it will restrict any other growth.  Just as I had to start again in the part of my heart garden that was taken over.  Sometimes we have to start digging up the problem, in order to replant in the damaged areas.  This takes putting God first again, returning to our first love.  Some things died in my heart garden, but with love and care my heart garden is blooming again.

My heart garden is going to need regular maintenance because the struggle will always be there.  There will always be something trying to take over.  Our lives and hearts need the same care and God gives us the instructions for all our maintenance needs in The Word Of God.  

Jude 1:21
Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

Susan Y Nikitenko
October 5th, 2013

 Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Thessalonians 3:3
But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

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Friday, February 17, 2012

His Reflection - Poem Poster -

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Singing In The Daisies - Poem Poster


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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Love Of Our Souls

- Restored August 29th, 2014

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Love Of Our Souls

The Love Of Our Soul

Heaven sent a valentine;
To love you and me.
A valentine of love;
As true as could be.

Amazing love, the sweet song;
It's the melody;
That's singing in my heart;
There so cheerfully.

Just knowing that He loves us;
With such sacrifice.
We should always love Him;
He gave us HIS LIFE.

A beautiful valentine;
With grace made us whole.
Our Redeemer and Savior;
The love of our soul.

Susan Y Nikitenko
February 8th, 2012©


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Your Love

Restored August 29th, 2014

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Heavens Valentine - Updated December 30th, 2012


Heaven's Valentine

One day on a hill long ago;
Within your design.
You gave us a precious gift;
Heavens valentine.

Oh Lord, thank-you for caring;
Thank-you for your love.
Thank-you for your salvation;
Your heart from above.

The most beautiful valentine;
Was written in red.
A selfless act of mercy;
And thorns on your head.

In great love you gave your life;
So that we could live.
In great love you sacrificed;
So that we could give.

Without your love and your grace;
Oh, where would I be.
Drowning in a pit of sin;
But you rescued me.

You reached down in pure love;
Because you are kind.
You are precious, you are true;
Heavens valentine.

Your love has lifted many;
From the pits of hell.
Your grace has soothed the wounded;
Yet no words can tell.

You reached down in pure love;
Because you are kind.
There is no one as loving;
Heavens valentine.

Susan Y Nikitenko
February 7th, 2012©

Optional Chorus:

Heavens valentine;
Precious valentine;
You have recued me;
With your blood devine.
Heavens valentine;
Precious valentine;
Thank-you for your love;
I'm so glad you're mine.

Susan Y Nikitenko
December 30th, 2012©

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Your Love

Restored August 29th, 2014

Your Love

Your love out loves all earthly love.
Your love loves the unlovable.
Your love cries out to the sinner.
It’s done the unforgettable!

Words can not express your pure love.
Men can not comprehend your love,
Yet sinners can receive your love;
Comforted by your holy dove.

Your love shines of rarest beauty.
Your love was given at great cost.
Through Love, you shed your perfect blood;
And hung from that old rugged cross.

It was love that drove you to die;
and brought life to that cold dark grave.
Now, love is looking down from heaven;
Seeks the souls of the lost to save.

T’was awesome Love, wonderfully shown;
To helpless men lost in their sin.
No greater love, there’s ever been;
Than God came down to die for men.

By: Susan Nikitenko 

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Jesus Is My Valentine - Poem Poster


Jesus Is The Greatest Valentine

Jesus is the greatest Valentine;
His love will never cease to be.

His love is bigger than the world;

I'm so glad that Jesus loves me.

Jesus is the greatest Valentine;
His heart is bigger than the sea.
And He always fills my heart with joy;
I'm so glad that Jesus loves me.

Yes He is the greatest valentine;
I will rejoice eternally.

 I will lift my voice with all my heart;

I'm so glad that Jesus loves me.

Susan Y Nikitenko
February 3rd, 2012

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sundrops In My Garden - Letter


Sundrops In My Garden - Letter

Susan Y Nikitenko

This is a letter I gave to people in our neighborhood along with a potted Sundrop plant in bloom and a copy of my poem: "Sundrops In My Garden." 

Dear Neighborhood Friends,

I would like to share a tidbit or two about my gardens.

I'm enjoying my garden this year. One of my favorite flowers is the fireworks primrose.

  It has a cluster of bright yellow flowers that explode mid spring to mid summer. They are shining in my garden right now. This beautiful flower has three different names, it's scientific name, which I know not, the fireworks primrose and the name I love to call them....Sundrops. The're like little smiles that say Jesus loves you. They brighten up your whole garden. Hopefully we are like sun drops shining out there in a mixed up world, in a lost world that needs to find the Way. The way to heaven, The way to forgiveness, the way to hope, the way to God Almighty, Jehovah, The God of heaven, creator God. That Way is Jesus, Jesus said about Himself, I am the Way, The Truth, The Life -no man cometh unto the Father but by me. Jesus is the light of this dark, dark world. Christians need to brighten every corner. I know I've failed in many ways along life's way , but I know where my desire lies and that is to shine for Him. I'm so glad Jesus is my hope and my life. Because He has forgiven me and given me a new name. I am His forever child, and you can be His child too. Let our desire be to shine in His amazing love, by following His plan set out in His Word.

I sure feel regret for all the times I've let my Jesus down, but this wonderful flower reminds me of my Savior. When the flower dies the leaves turn a beautiful red and this reminds me of His shed blood for all of mankind. He offers peace, pardon, forgiveness and a home in heaven for all who will believe. True belief causes action. If you thought the sky were falling your belief would move you to shelter. If you believed your child was in danger it would move you to act. If you believed in a dangerous unrepentant hell you would run to God for salvation. Then that belief would move you to live a life pleasing your Savoir.

  Another wonderful thing about this flower is that it comes back every year with more and more blooms. We need to tell others about Jesus and His precious love. We need to be multiplying the kingdom of heaven. Giving the Good news of Jesus Christ- The Story of His bloodshed for sinners and His resurrection.

  Just as my sundrops return every spring.. I know my Jesus will be returning very soon to take His children home. Will you be ready? 

  Be living out the purpose you were born to live, turn to Him with your heart and trust Him. Do things His way. Live your life, His way. Follow His plan. We are not promised tomorrow, this could be your last day, your last moment, turn to Him.

I Hope you enjoy your sundrops.

Love In Christ, Susan Nikitenko

John 3:16-18 says

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

John 1: 1-9 Says

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

Just A Thought:

Jesus Loves You!

Amazing Grace Missions Gives Out Little Books With Yellow Smiley Faces On The Front - That Say:  Jesus Loves You.  They Have Been Giving Those Little Smiley Face Books To People For Years, Mostly To Children.   I Remember Getting One When I Was A Little Girl At The "State County Fair In W.Va.  When I Was Around Ten Years Old. I Never Forgot That Little Book. 

Sundrops In My Garden

(Also Known as Fireworks Primrose )
By: Susan Y Nikitenko
June 2010

Shining in my garden;
Like smiles everywhere.
Are Bright Yellow Sundrops;
Examples of God's care.

They brightly grace my garden;
They give my heart a lift.
Cause I know they're precious;
And given as a gift.

Jesus is the Son of God;
He is the Way, the light.
He is like a Sundrop;
That blossoms very bright

He gives the burdened joy;
He sets the captive free.
He shines into the heart;
and saves so willingly.

Won't you be a sundrop,
In life's garden, to grow?
Will you Shine for Jesus
In His love will you go ?

Will you tell the story
Of His blood shed for men?
Will you sacrifice your time
And give your all to Him?

When the sundrop is done;
and It's leaves turn blood red.
Please Remember dear friend;
What our Savior once said.

"It is finished", He cried ;
With His blood flowing free.
and His hands stretched out wide;
on that torturous tree.

He gave himself for you;
He gave himself for me.
He arose from the dead;
and won the victory.

Available to all;
A life beautifully new.
His hand is extended;
While He calls now to you.

While watching from heaven;
perhaps Angels display.
Heavenly Fireworks;
When one sinner is saved.

Will you trust Him today?
Will you cry out His name?
Will you bow to His will:
Or remain now, the same?

Won't you be a sundrop,
In life's garden, to grow?
Will you Shine for Jesus
In His love will you go ?

Will you tell the story
Of His blood shed for men ?
Will you sacrifice your time;
And give your all to Him?

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