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Monday, July 29, 2013

It's A Jungle Out There - Update

  It's A Jungle Out There!

Jungle, Jungle
It's  a Jungle out there.
lion ,tigers;
monkeys too.
It's a jungle;
It's not a zoo.
Palms and braches;
ferns and grasses;
screeching, squawking;
animals stalking;
Some are burping.
Some are slurping.
It's a Jungle out there!
Green leaves waving;
hippos bathing.
elephants dancing;
gazelle prancing;
Some are jumping.
Some are running.
It's a jungle out there!
Full of butterflies;
Bugs of every size;
Apes a swinging.
Many birds singing.
Flowers flourishing;
Babies nourishing;
It's a jungle out there! 
Funny faces;
blue oasis.
creeping , crawling;
moving, grooving ;
red frogs, green frogs;
turtles  too.
It's a jungle;
But where- are- you?

Susan Y Nikitenko
July 22nd, 2013
 Psalms 69:34

Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and every thing that moveth therein.

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Just A Little Note About My Past - updated

Just A Little Note About My Past 

 Before our family moved to W.Va. we lived in another state.  Our home was down a dirt road off the highway.
There was a wooded area by our home..  There were several things that happened that I can remember that have affected me to this day. 
Some of the things that happened to the kids on our street was during the segregation period.  There was allot of violence at that time.  I was only about 5 years old.  But I remember that the black kids had beaten up my brother, sister and others kids that lived off our street, had been stealing their lunch money.  I can't remember if I was there with them or I was told the story. I just know it scared me because my family and friends were hurt.   I feel like I was there because I was affected by it.  We lived pretty much in a dangerous area because I remember some violence, from outside our home.
One particular time that has stood out in my mind was when my younger sister and I were playing outside.  A couple of boys, one black boy, and one white boy, they were 18 and 19 years old.  They talked my sister and I  into taking a walk into the woods.   Somehow I ended up alone with one and I can remember the boy offering me candy to take off my clothes. 
I told that boy no, ran as fast as I could go and yelled at the top of my lungs every inch of the way.  I finally made it home and told my mom what had happened and my younger sister was safe because she was already there when I got there.
My mother called the police and an officer came and a report was filed.  I was always taught to trust police officers.  That day the police officer being there comforted us and made us feel safe.

Police Officers
 I've taught my kids since they were little not to call a police officer a pig, or a cop, because they were to show respect for law enforcement.  So we taught our children to call a police officer a police officer.  But then the police department started doing " Shop With A Cop" to help provide the needs of children in there local area.  Which I didn't know anything about until a couple years or so ago.  Anyway, now it's okay if we call them Cops.  I taught my children that police officers could be trusted and were here to keep us safe. So we need to be thankful for good police officers that are out there keeping people safe and keeping them in our prayers on a continual basis.
Parking On The Wrong Side?
illustrative story
On my way to a Garage Sale I noticed a police officer behind me. I slowed down even though I wasn't speeding.  I was about to stop at a garage sale.  I had my eyes on him and wondered whether I had done something wrong.  I came to a complete stop and waited for him to pass me by.  I figured if He wanted to ask me something He would.  He asked me smiling,  " Your Not Going To Park There Are You?" for some reason I felt completely at peace when he passed by.  I wasn't for sure if I did something wrong on not.  As soon as He asked me the question I immediately looked up and saw the sign- "No Parking On This Side".  I said, I was not sure if you were going to pull me over or not."  He told me to go down the street and turn around and park.
I questioned myself later and asked myself, "Did I give an honest answer?"  To tell you the truth I really had not decided what I was going to do yet because my mind was on him the whole time.

 I told my husband, who is a pastor and my daughter later, that I had almost got pulled over by a black officer.  My daughter responded, "You Did"?  I said, The officer was the blackest Asian man I ever saw.  He was a really nice looking Asian man with a very dark tan. 

(This Is Not Meant To Be Mean, I Just Was Trying To Be Funny.
Because No One Could Ever Claim Our Family Is Prejudice And It Be True. 
 Though We Are Republican.  We were both Independent voters
but we just can't even feel comfortable voting the other way because it's against our beliefs.)
 When I went to turn around I was flustered and didn't realize until afterwards that I was distracted by the whole thing. I almost backed out into a mail truck but by God's grace I saw him in time. I did park on the other side and went to the Garage Sale but left because I felt upset with myself.   I decided it would be better to just go home. 

I was so thankful to God that the officer had actually kept me from doing the wrong thing before I did. 

He kept me from parking on the wrong side.  

 Proverbs 15:3 
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

Forever Friend

Forever Friend

 Lord thank-you for my family;
Thank-you for my home.
Thank-you for forgiveness Lord;
For your open arms.
Thank-you that you never fail;
That your Word still stands.
Thank-you Lord for everything;
It's all within your hands.
Thank-you so for holding me;
When came down my tears.
Thank-you for the Holy Ghost;
That has calmed my fears.
Thank-you for forever Lord;
I will always be yours.
Thank-you that you've always been;
The one who opens doors.
Thank-you for faithful ones;
Who stand till the end.
Thank-you that you've always been;
My forever friend.
Susan Y Nikitenko
July 27th, 2013
Prayer Song

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These Lips

These Lips

My Father above;
 Let these lips,
Speak wisdom in love.
But when comes the time;
May these lips,
Speak boldly and shine.
In hum-ility;
Guard my lips,
From all travesty.
Let my heart not fear;
Let these lips,
For rightness adhere.
Let actions rejoice;
With blest lips,
And your ways my voice.
Susan Y Nikitenko
A Prayer
July 27th, 2013

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

When I Think About You


When I Think About You

When I think about you;
And all that you've done.
How you reached out to me;
Like the warmth of the sun.
You gave me hope again;
When I needed a friend.
I saw something in you;
That was so good and true.
You told me about Jesus;
And how He changed your life.
You told me how he loves us.
How He made your heart right.
When I think about you;
My very good friend.
You are always someone;
I can always depend.
When I think about you;
I bow my head and pray.
Because I will not forget;
What you have done for me.
Because when I needed;
Someone to care for me.
You never once doubted
That God's love could change me.
Susan Y Nikitenko
July  25th, 2013

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Respecting Authorities

 Respecting Authorities

There's one thing I learned a long time ago.  If you talk bad about other people,  your children are listening.  You may be just venting your anger about another person or viciously scorning them because they are different, but your children are the ones that will go out and harm the person  you slandered.  I witnessed this first hand years ago.  When there had been property damage from the teenagers  that were taking vengeance upon a pastor's family  because the children of the angered family were taught to hate.  Not only did some of those children hate, they still hate today.  So when I raised my children we were not allowed to talk bad about the pastor or His family because I knew that what parents say about authorities can cause them to strike out against that authority.  We taught our children to respect and treat authority with kindness.
I know there's been times I've said things I've regretted.  But once you squeeze the toothpaste out you can't get it back in, so don't let anything out you don't want out.  I have to ask the Lord to help me think before I talk because what you say sometimes comes back to haunt you. 
God wants us to respect authority whether we always agree. 

  I'm reminded of the story of Elisha.
Elisha was a bald man.  He was a mighty man of  God.  But for some reason some children thought it was okay to mock the man of God.  He didn't have a wife or children but when you hurt a pastor's family you hurt the pastor too.

2Kings 2:23
 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.       

God cares about how we treat other people and He doesn't want us mocking other people in a harmful way.  We all need to be careful how we treat others especially in front of children because one day you will see your children act out in a more harmful way.

Susan Y Nikitenko
July 22nd, 2013

 " What you teach in moderation your children will practice in excess".

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

I Love You!

I Love You!

 I love you!
Is  the message - of the cross.
I love you!
Is the answer - for the lost.
Because when Jesus gave his life;
It was a great- love sacrifice.
Because there's no greater love;
Than our sins covered by His blood.
I love you!
Is found in John - 3:16
I love you!
Is the message- that I bring
Because when Jesus died for you;
What He did said - I love you.
And everlasting life is yours:
When you love and trust Him too.
Susan Y Nikitenko
July 21st (Song)

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Saturday, July 20, 2013



When my husband and I had gone into ministry my children were sad because they had to say goodbye to some friends that they had from the time they were very small children.  We were moving to a town that was very small and many seemed  to us very poor.  We were leaving our home of thirteen years and it was very hard for me to leave my home because I loved living there. 
When we finally arrived at our new home and got settled in, my daughter expressed to us how she desired to have a healthy place to eat in our small town.  She told us how she expressed her feeling to God that she was willing to leave her friends for the ministry and asked if He would give us a healthy place to eat out in our town.   The town did have a Sonic, which we loved because we loved the flavored fountain drinks, like Diet Coke flavored with cherries or vanilla or whatever other flavor.  But my daughter started praying for a Subway to be built in our little town.  No one knew she was praying for a Subway, but she was.  One day we got the news a Subway was going to be built in our town.  It was amazing.  I've often thought maybe someone knew about it  and God used that person to make it happen.   God can use other people even when they think it was them all along.  We know one thing,  However it came to be, It was answered prayer. 
The amazing thing is this:  They built the most beautiful Subway right across the street from our church.
So when we wanted a Sub, all we had to do was cross the street.  I know my daughter felt loved and I felt loved too because God sometimes uses the simplest, seemingly unimportant things to say I love you.  It might of not seemed important to someone else but it was important because that Subway meant allot to us. It was a gift from God.
All of us were heartbroken over leaving our friends but God made us all feel loved when He answered my daughters prayer for a Subway. 
When we are His children -
We already know God loves us, but sometimes He comfort our hearts through unusual answered prayer. 
Susan Y Nikitenko
July 20th, 2013
Lord Jesus,
Protect Our Family And Keep Us Safe.
Be With The Families - Suffering Loss.
Be With The Troubled And Each Burdened Heart;
Keep Our Hearts Near You As We Remember The Cross.
S. Nikitenko

Every person has a story.  If it never gets written down It would be forgotten forever.
So if you think I'm only looking at myself look again.  God wants us to share how He's helped  us through our problems.   So we can help others In the life that God has given us.
We are all used in different ways. Our unique personalities effect other people and hopefully
What God has done in my life will help others.


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A Magnificent Orchestra

A  Magnificent Orchestra

I saw the flocking birds of the springs migration arrive.
In the springtime when I  cried unto the Lord;
The sounds of thousands of singing birds filled the morning sky.
It was like the heavens had opened up a door;
I stood and watched as the birds settled upon the forest trees;
The morning breeze was comforting to my soul.
Tears filled my eyes as I  beheld a magnificent orchestra;
It was beautiful and striking to behold.
I felt at that moment that God had given me a gift;
It felt as though God's angels surrounded me.
I felt as though God was right there beside me holding my hand;
Because He wanted to tell me He loved me.
This was something that happened when I was stunned by heartbreak.
I couldn't even fully understand what had hit me.
And felt very confused and very alone. 

Susan Y Nikitenko
July 20th, 2013

There are many things God uses to tell us that He loves us.
When we are His children He sometimes gives us something just because.
Sometimes it could be a cookie with sprinkles, or a pork chop,
or a beautiful morning orchestra in the sky.  I used these examples because these are some of the ways God has given me and my family something that had the markings of I love you written all over them. 
My next writings  will be the telling of some of these stories.

Susan Y Nikitenko
July 20th, 2013

Help Us Lord To Walk In Faith And Trust:
Help Us Love, Help Us To Give. 
Help Us Live A Life Of Victory;
Heal Our Hearts, Help Us Live.
S. Nikitenko

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Friday, July 19, 2013

For Our Children We Cry - update

The President Of The United States Responded To This Poem 

(President Obama)
Concerning The Arming Of Children

For Our Children We Cry

God has given us freedom;
Freedom to live for Him.
But He does not give freedom;
For us to live in sin.

Men have died and men have cried;
For freedoms now denied.
Sin resides and will not hide;
For our children we cry.

God says protect, not neglect.
There little hearts from harm.
But sin has reigned and profaned;
And left our children unarmed.

Return to God, leave sins sod;
Lest America die.
If we repent with knees bent;
God's mercy will apply.

June 30th, 2013
Susan Y Nikitenko

The Below Portion Was Written After Obama's Speech

I would like to let you know that when I wrote this poem it was and is about the spiritual battle.
In this poem when I wrote the quote "our children unarmed"  it means they are unarmed without scripture and moral teachings.  Teachings that guide our children to follow the ways of God. God's Word helps arm our children against teachings that are damaging to them, our homes and our country.  Our children need Jesus.  I do not believe in arming children with guns.  I believe in arming our children with truth.  I do believe in owning guns as Americans but not in the hands of children.

 God teaches the way of blessing to America through this verse

 2 Chronicles 7:14
 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
 Deuteronomy 11:27-28b
 A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day:
 And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the LORD

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013



I guess I just got the call.  Some little boy called me on the phone and when I said hello, there was a quiet moment, then he said the word, tornado.  Then he hung up the phone.   I had the phone number on my phone so I returned the call in case they were trying to reach someone else and to also let the parents know if they had any questions they could call me.   After that call,  I stopped to think. "Why the word tornado?",  perhaps he was giving me the word of the day, or he was giving a weather prediction, or he was asking for prayer or was He playing a prank or was it simply the wrong number?  Anyway I thought it was unusual since I've had many strange things happen concerning  tornadoes.  Soon I noticed gloomy dark clouds starting to cover the sky as the sound of thunder broke the silence.   I thought this little boy might be at a lake somewhere and was frightened in the corner because He thought there was going to be a tornado and all that could pass through his lips was the frightening word tornado.  I thought this because last year my daughters and I were hunkered down under a mattress while vacationing at a lake.  My husband and son in-law were at the nearest  Wal-Mart buying ice cream and other supplies.  My daughters and I played board games under a mattress with a flashlight, because the power was off, even though the storm whipped violently by, we were still able to have fun.  I learned a long time ago don't sit around worrying unless you have to.  Do what's necessary to keep safe, then ride out the storm.  Then if something happens deal with it then.  So we prayed for safety for ourselves and the surrounding area and played board games until the storm passed by.

When my husband was asked to preach at a revival meeting in Oklahoma, we were greeted with what my husband called the welcoming committee.  Violent storms were preparing to come through and we were informed that  there were several tomatoes surrounding us.  There was a tornado in the town in  front of us and there was a tornado in the town behind us and one small tornado developing above our rental van. We knew this because when we looked out of the window we could see the finger of the tornado reaching downward that had a slight rotation.  We were not sure what we should do because our only shelter was our rental van.  I spied over the land to see what we could do in case a tornado were to hit.  Then asked my husband, "should we hit the ditch on the side of the road if there was no safety nearby?" He didn't know so we prayed and kept going forward until we were safely through the storm.

When we arrived into the town, where my husband was going to preach, on the second night of the revival meeting, the meeting was interrupted by sirens that filled the small community.  The church full of people and our family went to the basement but the surprising thing was the men still went outside to watch the storm, so my husband and I went with them.  There was the hugest monster like cloud filling the sky and hailstones the size of quarters hit the ground.   It was the first time I saw a storm so close I could almost reach out and touch it.  Soon the storm past by and my husband preached and that night God  spoke to the heart of a young man who received Christ for salvation.   Who knows maybe God used that very storm to prepare that young man's heart, after all God can use even the storms of life to make good things happen.
Started July 15th - July 17th
Susan Y Nikitenko
  Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

There's No Greater Joy

There's No Greater Joy

There's no greater joy;
Than serving the Lord.
Finding your purpose;
What God made you for.

Knowing that heaven;
Is our waiting home.
And in our Jesus;
We are never alone.

There's no greater joy;
Knowing God is real.
Knowing He still cares;
About what we feel.

There's no greater joy;
Than to look around.
And see His miracles;
Each one that is found.

In His creation;
All built by His hand.
The waving ocean;
The shimmering sand.

The highest mountains;
A land that is free.
And His flawless love;
For you and for me.

There's no greater joy;
upon a needy soul.
When God's compassion;
Has saved and made whole.

There's no greater joy;
Than serving the Lord.
Finding your purpose;
What God made you for.

Susan Y Nikitenko
July 14th, 2013

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Just A Little Note About My Life

Weight Gain

In life we find all kinds of different people and sometimes people gain weight easier than someone else.  My husband and I both were heavy when we were children.  I was the only child in my family that had a weight problem.  I was teased unmercifully as an overweight child.  My weight gain started around eight years old.  I was still wearing the patch over one eye but was wearing bigger rimmed glasses at that time.   As I got older into my teens I began to blossom into an attractive young lady.  I no longer had to wear my glasses as often.

The funny thing about weight is when someone gains weight it settles down in different spots than someone else.  Sometimes the body can become very unevenly proportioned.  For instance, some get a big bottom, someone else might have a very large bosom, or both for that matter.  Some may have big cheeks, like a chipmunk or a double chin. Some may have big arms while having very skinny legs, or big limbs altogether. Some may grow specifically in the belly area and still be tiny everywhere else, but it's simply  the way they look when they have weight gain.  

Some people can lose weight easier than other people.  Some can exercise and work very hard and still have trouble downsizing.  Some have health problems or  ankle problems that prevent running and exercising effectively .  Some just simply like to eat and get sick if they don't eat.  I happen to become forgetful and can't think straight so I have to eat.  I just need to eat wisely.

My family and I are working on losing weight.  It's just mustering up a real determination.  So if my stomach is ever a little bigger than usual.  It's only because I ate too much ice cream or ate that whopper cowboy burger at the zoo along with a very large fry that tasted extremely good.   Which would mean I'm not doing enough crunches and needing to cut back on my lunches, needing to get thinner by cutting back on dinner and snacking is a no no at night.

 Susan Y Nikitenko  July 14th, 2013

 Hebrews 12:1 ¶ Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Poor Lowly Leper

A Poor Lowly Leper

A poor lowly leper;
In a world without love.
A poor common sinner;
That was rarely thought of.
One day on a hillside;
He heard something great said.
That Jesus loves sinners;
And gave His life in our stead.
Then in His many tears;
The man began to rejoice.
It sounded like a song.
It was a joyful noise.
And this was his prayer:
I cried and you heard me;
You answered my prayer.
I cried and you held me;
When none uttered your care.
You opened the heavens;
The  sun came shining through.
You are my greatest need;
All I needed was you.
A poor lowly leper;
In a world without love.
A poor common sinner;
That was rarely thought of.
You gave to me your love;
So undeserved it's true.
And now I bow because;
I'm so thankful for you.
Susan Y Nikitenko
July 13th, 2013

 1Timothy 1:15
This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

                                                                              Song About A Leper

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Just A Little Note About My Life

Just A Little Note About My Life

 Today I was very forgetful and I felt terrible.  I went to a garage sale and after I had picked my few items from a garage sale box of crafts.  I bought some acrylic paints, glue sticks and then  I went to buy some lemonade the children were selling.  While I was buying the lemonade the lady asked if I paid for the bagged  items I was holding in my hand.  I said, "yes",  Then I bought some lemonade from the little boy for  25 cents and gave an extra quarter  to be generous, because his little bucket was empty.  I told them thank-you  and drove away to go to another garage sale.  I then realized I didn't pay for the crafts at all. I was very upset with myself.  I purposed in my heart to go back and make it right.   I stopped at another garage sale, since I was already there.  Then I went to looking for the garage sale that I didn't pay for the crafts, to apologize for being so absent minded.   The thing is I couldn't even remember which road I was on because I was flustered and upset with myself.  I actually cried because I knew it looked like I lied and stole something while being generous with an extra quarter for the little boy at the lemonade stand.   I decided to go home to pray and eat because I felt hungry.  Then I went on my way again to pay for the crafts. 

The funny thing is, the lady I talked to the first time, never even questioned me or even reminded me that I didn't pay.  When I went back to the garage sale the lady wasn't there.  So I gave the money to another lady who seemed not to have known anything about the crafts not being paid for.  I paid for the items, apologized, to her surprise  and  I asked her to please let the other lady know I was very sorry.

This reminded me of another interesting story that happened on a garage sale trip years ago. 
Once when my children were little I found an old butter dish I wanted to buy for my mother.  I made a lower offer for the dish and they refused the offer so I didn't buy it.  I bought some things, but I can't even remember now what they were.  Then I went to my car and while I was putting my change away, I noticed they had given me twelve dollars extra in change.  I told my children that the lady gave me twelve dollars extra.  My children and I went back to the lady and I told her she had given me twelve dollars extra in cash.  She was shocked and very grateful.  Then I politely asked if I could have the dish at a bargain price.  She was more than happy to,  after all I saved them twelve dollars.

 2 Corinthians 8:21 Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.

Susan Y Nikitenko
July 11th  2013

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Hold My Hand Lord Jesus

 Hold My Hand Lord Jesus

Hold my hand Lord Jesus;
Teach me in your ways.
Speak to my heart Lord Jesus;
Guide each word I say.

Walk beside me Jesus;
Fill me with a song.
Fill me with your power;
Help me to be strong.

Shine through me Lord Jesus;
Like a looking glass.
So when others see me;
It's of you they ask.

Love through me Lord Jesus;
Even when it's hard.
That I may love others;
Though my heart is scared.

Show me where I'm needed;
Show me where to give.
Lead my heart Lord Jesus;
And help me to forgive.

Speak through me Lord Jesus;
Open ears to hear.
Give me holy wisdom;
That sparks Godly fear.

Hold my hand Lord Jesus;
Guard my thoughts I pray;
Teach me to love you more;
Teach me in your ways.

Susan Y Nikitenko
July 7th, 2013

 Isaiah 41:10 ¶ Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

A Lifetime Parade

A Lifetime Parade

People are all marching;
In a lifetime parade.
People all the people;
Each one wondrously made.
Our Father in heaven;
He looks down from the sky;
He sees all the people;
As their life marches by.
People very precious;
Who need hope for each step.
People who are praying;
Who haven't answers yet.
People needing Jesus;
Who are lost and in sin.
People who are seeking;
And others leading them.
People and their problems;
And some that just don't care.
Some are very gentle;
Some meaner than a bear.
People needing people;
Who love, and care and share.
People who need mercy;
Someone to wipe their tear.
People who are wounded;
And tempted to give in.
People with loving hearts;
To help them live again.
God is watching over;
In the day and the night.
The everyday people;
every day of their life.
People are all marching;
In a lifetime parade.
People all the people;
Each one wondrously made.
Our Father in heaven;
He looks down from the sky;
He sees all the people;
As their life marches by.

Susan Y Nikitenko
July 7th, 2013

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

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