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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Heavens Valentine - Valentine Poem

Heaven's Valentine

One day on a hill long ago;
Within your design.
You gave us a precious gift;
Heavens valentine.

Oh Lord, thank-you for caring;
Thank-you for your love.
Thank-you for your salvation;
Your heart from above.

The most beautiful valentine;
Was written in red.
A selfless act of mercy;
And thorns on your head.

In great love you gave your life;
So that we could live.
In great love you sacrificed;
So that we could give.

Without your love and your grace;
Oh, where would I be.
Drowning in a pit of sin;
But you rescued me.

You reached down in pure love;
Because you are kind.
You are precious, you are true;
Heavens valentine.

Your love has lifted many;
From the pits of hell.
Your grace has soothed the wounded;
Yet no words can tell.

You reached down in pure love;
Because you are kind.
There is no one as loving;
Heavens valentine.

Susan Y Nikitenko
February 7th, 2012©

Optional Chorus:

Heavens valentine;
Precious valentine;
You have recued me;
With your blood devine.
Heavens valentine;
Precious valentine;
Thank-you for your love;
I'm so glad you're mine.

December 30th, 2012©

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

When We See Eternal Day

When We See Eternal  Day

This year may be a lonely year;
For some hurting grieving soul.
This year may be a tearful year;
When the heartbreak takes its toll.

But hope comes calling through a song;
When you tell the Lord your hurt.
He gives you grace to sing again;
Even when you feel like dirt.

When you learn to praise, through your tears;
When you learn to praise, alone.
Though sorrow lingers through the night;
Morning's Joy, through grace is known.

Angels gather each tear that falls;
Into a bottle of love.
And every little whimper;
Is heard with mercy above.

We may not understand right now;
But one day, it will be clear.
When we see Him, in His brightness;
And He wipes away all tears.

He has prepared a place for us;
For this life shall pass away.
All sadness and sorrow shall flee.
When we see eternal day.

Susan Y Nikitenko
December 29th, 2012

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thank-You For Another Year

Thank-You For Another Year

Thank-You for another year dear Jesus;
Thank-you for your faithful love and care.
Thank-you that you've held my heart together;
Thank-you for the memories we share.
Thank-You that you never ever leave us;
Thank-You for salvations perfect plan.
Thank-You for your guidance through our problems;
Thank-You through our tears,  you understand.
Thank-You, for another year dear Jesus;
Thank-You for another brand new start;
Thank-You, for the comfort you provide;
Thank-You , from the bottom of my heart.
Susan Y Nikitenko
December 27th, 2012

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Jesus Is The Valentine Of Our Soul - V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E



V-   is for the victory in Jesus.

A-  is for amazing grace how sweet the sound.
L-   is for His love that lifted me.

and E -   is for eternal  life, when found.

N-   is nothing but the blood of Jesus.

T-   is for  thanksgiving praise we give.

I - is for, Jesus IS the answer

N-  Is for -  We need His love to live.

 E- Is the Eternal love he gives

Susan Y Nikitenko
December 27th, 2013©

Jesus Is The Valentine Of Our Soul
Jesus is the Valentine of our soul;
The only Valentine that makes us whole.
He is the answer to our deepest need;
Oh, what joy we find when we let Him lead.

V-   is for the victory in Jesus.
A-  is for amazing grace how sweet the sound.
L-   is for His love that lifted me.
and E -   is for eternal  life, when found.
N-   is nothing but the blood of Jesus.
T-   is for  thanksgiving praise we give.
I - is for, Jesus IS the answer
 N-  Is for -  We need His love to live.
 and E-   is  - The love,  He Ever  gives.

For Jesus is the Valentine of our soul.
The only Valentine that makes us whole.

Valentine Song
Susan Y Nikitenko
Updated January 8th, 2013©

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

There's No Love Like The Savior's Love

There's No Love Like The Savior's Love

There's no love like the love of Jesus;
A love that heals the heart and soul.
A love that will last an eternity;
His mercies continually roll.

A love that is filled  with kindness unmatched;
A love that hears with heavens grace.
A love so giving and true because;
His love led Him to take our place.

There's no Valentine like the Son of God;
 A divine Valentine, a perfect dove.
He died for you and He died for me;
There's no love like the Savior's love.

Susan Y Nikitenko
December 27th, 2012

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Monday, December 24, 2012

To Love Him Even More - New Years Poem

 To Love Him Even More

We are safe in His everlasting arms;
We are loved in Him,  forevermore.
And we will live forever in heaven;
If we have entered through salvations door.
Jesus is the only door to heaven;
Not by works of righteousness, but through faith.
For He is the Way, the Truth, the Life;
And it's only by His eternal grace.
Whether big or small we all need Jesus;
And we should teach this to our children dear.
We should all learn to walk in wisdom;
And learn to have a good Godly fear.
Because God blesses obedience;
And loves it even more than sacrifice.
For to love Him is to obey Him;
And to obey Him is very wise.
Soon we enter into a New Year;
Out with the old and in with the new.
A time to renew our commitment;
To love Him even more in what we do.
A new beginning for the New Year;
A new enthusiasm for great things.
Even though we live in a troubled world;
Our God is still good and heaven still sings.

Susan Y Nikitenko
December 24th, 2012

John 10:9
 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved,
and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
Psalms 111:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.
1Samuel 15:22
And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Mother's Pain

A Mother's Pain

The lights are down low this night;
The tree sparkles beautifully.
I'm missing my child tonight;
She lives in eternity.
My child taken suddenly.
Has left me broken, shattered;
My tears have flowed unnumbered.
Nothing comforts - not a word.
Oh,  my God, how can this be;
I just hugged her this past week.
Each morning, I remember;
The torment has made me weak.
I will never be the same;
I feel robbed of my baby.
Please, give me grace -  lest I die;
But Lord, I can't help ask, why?
Susan Y Nikitenko
December 20th, 2012

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Angel On A Mission


Angel  On A Mission

I'm an angel on a mission from God;
I'm an angel on a mission of love.
I rejoice in the heavenly choir;
Sparkling white my heavenly attire.
I'm practicing for our grand appearance;
Which will be a historical occurrence.
All angels in line- are ready to go;
"Part the clouds! - Go have a glorious show!"
The skies are opening for all to see;
And we spring forth in God's perfect glory.
The clouds are glowing from sky to earth;
As we declare the Saviors holy birth.
Shepherds shield their eyes and quake to the ground;
Rays of light are circling all around.
"Fear not'  I cry, We bring you good tidings;"
In awe we sing upon our golden wings.
We sing, Glory to God in the highest;
The shepherds praise the Lord and feel so blest.
For the Savior was born this holy day;
They gather their sheep and go on their way.
We direct them to the star, radiant ;
And they go to find the new born infant.
Ringing bells and sheep bleating all the way;
They find the Savior on this Christmas day.
If I, an angel, were to speak to you;
With Gods heart of grace , in His love so true.
Of  the Son of God , come to the World;
Would you seek the Savior and make Him Lord?
Susan Y Nikitenko
December 20th, 2012

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thank-You Baby Jesus

Thank-You Baby Jesus
Susan Y Nikitenko
December 19th, 2012
Thank-you precious Son of God, our holy loving Lord;
Thank -you baby Jesus for coming to this world.
Thank-you for the Christmas star that shines up in the sky;
Thank-you for the evergreen, In Christ we'll never die.
Thank- you for the Christmas angels singing in the light;
Thank-you for the shepherds that kneel this silent night.
Thank-you  for the wise men who travel  desert lands;
Who come so very far with three precious gifts in hand.
Thank-you for your true love upon this joy filled Christmas;
You are the- Emanuel , our God come down to us.
Thank-you for mother Mary and for wise Joseph too;
Thank-you  baby Jesus for all you come to do.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Oh Christmas, Beautiful Christmas

Oh Christmas, Beautiful, Christmas

Oh Christmas,
beautiful, Christmas;
A beacon of light for Jesus.
You have opened the doors to truth;
To give to the World the Good News.

The lights that sparkle in the night;
The shining star above the tree;
The evergreen with bulbs and bows;
Speaks of  the Christ, we love and know.

He started in a manger bed;
Mary smiled, as she kissed His head.
He grew in favor with God and men;
And He  lived His life without sin.

He worked miracles, some untold;
His sermons worth much more than gold.
His love saved the souls of multitudes;
Who gladly received the Good News.

Oh Christmas, beautiful, Christmas;
A beacon of light for Jesus.
A birthday for our precious Lord;
A symbol  of life to the World.

He started in a manger bed;
Mary smiled, as she kissed His head.
He grew, she knelt before the cross;
Her heart was filled with pain and loss.

They took His body, bloody, bruised;
and place Him in a rocky tomb.
in three days He rose anew;
He concurred death for me and you.

Oh Christmas, beautiful, Christmas;
A beacon of light for Jesus.
You have opened the doors to truth;
To give to the World the Good News.

Susan Y Nikitenko
December 16th, 2012
Christmas Song

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A Christmas Prayer


A Christmas Prayer

(for the hurting in Connecticut)
Lord Jesus,
It will be.......
a sad Christmas this year.
filled with sorrow............
and many, many tears.
Hurting families ..........
longing for their children.
May your love..........
reach out and comfort them.
Lord Jesus,
Let not fear..........
torment their heart and soul.
May your grace...........
heal  them and make them whole.
May your angels...........
collect the tears of grief.
And  our prayers........
restore much needed peace.
Impart your strength........
Your hope and tender care.
Because it will be.......
a sad Christmas this year.

Susan Y. Nikitenko
December 16th, 2012

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A Humble Samaritan

A Humble Samaritan

There was no one to pick up the pieces;
I laid by the roadside- beaten and torn.
I waved and I cried Oh, please help me;
But they passed and they laughed me to scorn.
None would help this poor beggar of mercy;
But then came a humble Samaritan.
He lifted me up from the dry sand;
His love brought me to safety again.
God showered His love then upon me;
Through the goodness of my new found friend.
My soul was lifted in joy once again;
Because Jesus was working through Him.

Susan Y Nikitenko
December 16th, 2012

Th Love Of God Through Others 
The Good Samaritan

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Live Again

Live Again

 Mommy, I'm in heaven with Jesus;
He wanted me to tell you I'm okay.
It's happy here, and it's beautiful ;
I met more children here today.
Jesus was holding them in His arms;
He was welcoming them into heaven.
He  was wiping the tears from their eyes;
No one will ever hurt them again.
Mommy, I'm doing a special job;
I have a special delivery.
Jesus says he'll take good care of them;
He will love them just as He has loved me.
Mommy, be sure not to be angry;
Remember to love Jesus because-
One day I will see you again;
Because I know - you are so loved.
Mommy, don't let your heart stay troubled;
It is time to love other children.
Merry Christmas Mommy, I love you;
Live again, Mommy, live again.

Susan Y Nikitenko
December 15th, 2012

..........For Such Is The Kingdom Of Heaven

Mark 10:14

The Connecticut Tragedy

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The Connecticut Tragedy

The Connecticut Tragedy

  No words  can express the pain of losing a child through violence.
 The trauma,  the heartbreak, the brokenness and the anger.

To never hear your child's laugh again, to never be able to hug them or comfort them.

To live a lifetime without them would be the most unbearable reality to have to face.

Lord, comfort the victims of the Connecticut tragedy.

Let their hearts know that their children are held in your loving arms.

Protect the children of our country and turn our nations heart back to you. 

We know that this life is only a vapor and we will see these dear children again.
Lord, protect our children from the influences of this world that lead to this kind of violence. 
Shelter the innocent hearts of our children. 
My church and  my family will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Our hearts are sorrowful for all the victims of this horrific  crime.
November 15th, 2012  
Susan Nikitenko

submitted by:
Joan Clifton Costner

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Friday, December 14, 2012

The Star Of Christmas is Shining

The Star of Christmas Is Shining

The star of Christmas is shining;
It's shining for all to see.
Follow it's  light to the Savior;
Find Him, in faith bow the knee.
He's no longer in a manger;
Nor upon a cruel tree.
Death could not keep Him in a grave;
His love won eternally.
A Christmas wreath hangs from the cross;
A bow on the manger bed.
An evergreen tree is now standing;
Below the star up ahead.
In Jesus we live forever;
Our sins are all washed away.
God gave us a gift from heaven;
That astounding Christmas day.
The star of Christmas is shining;
From pages of love and truth.
The greatest gift ever given;
Was written in blood for you.
Susan Y Nikitenko
December 14th, 2012

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Present Sent With Love

A Present Sent With Love
Jesus was the baby;
Born on Christmas day.
He would one day grow up;
And take our sins away.
Jesus was the baby;
Sent from God above.
Heavens Christmas present;
A present sent with love.
Jesus was the baby;
Held in Mary's arms.
Laid in a manger bed;
And kept from all harm.
Jesus was the baby;
Underneath the star,
Worshipped by shepherds,
And Kings from afar.
Jesus was the baby;
Sent from God above.
Heavens Christmas present;
A present sent with love.
Susan Y Nikitenko
December 11,2012
Children's Song

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Monday, December 10, 2012

Come On Little Children

Come On Little Children

Come on little children, let's praise the name of Jesus;
Let's all wish Him a merry Christmas.
Sing halleluiah, giving Him all the glory;
As we honor the Christmas story.

He came to this earth as a little tiny baby;
He was born to the virgin, Mary.
She rocked Him and held Him with motherly affection;
He would one day bring us redemption.

She rejoiced within her heart , She held Emanuel;
This is why we sing, Noel, Noel.
For God so love the world that He gave His Son;
His only begotten precious Son.

Come on little children, let's praise the name Jesus;
Let's all wish Him a merry Christmas.
Sing halleluiah, giving Him all the glory;
As we honor the Christmas story.

Shepherds watched the flocks in the quietness of the night;
Angels appeared rejoicing in light.
Stunning angels and  glorious singing filled the air;
Announcing the birth of our Savior.

They gathered the sheep and went to find the promised child;
They found Him with Mary meek and mild.
They worshiped the new born King there on that Christmas day;
The child that would give His life away.

Mary cuddled the Savior, rejoicing, she kissed His tiny chin.
While many still came to worship Him.
Wise men traveled from the East, following a bright star;
Seeking the new born King, they came so far.

Joseph stood faithfully by His virgin bride aright;
He lived by faith and not by sight.
Joseph worshiped the Son He would raise as His own child;
When Jesus was born a miracle smiled.

The wise men came baring gifts, myrrh, frankincense and gold ;
For they sought the Savior to behold.
They honored Him, As King of all kings and Lord of lords;
Did they know He would die for the world?

Come on little children, let's praise the name of Jesus;
Let's all wish Him a merry Christmas.
Sing halleluiah, giving Him all the glory;
As we honor the Christmas story.

Susan Y Nikitenko
December 10th, 2012

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Because Our God So Loved The World

Because Our God So Loved The World

Christmas angels all gathered together;
Awaiting the birth of the King.
They warmed up their heavenly voices
To make an appearance to sing.

The clouds opened up to a night sky;
The brightness of heaven broke forth.
Angels appeared  in glorious form;
To announce the messiah's birth.

They sang to the  shepherds on the hillside;
Who quaked in much fear to the ground.
The angel rejoiced and said, "fear not";
With harmonic, beautiful sound.

They sang glory to God in the highest;
Peace and good tidings to earth.
For that wondrous  night was the fulfillment;
Of our Savior's most holy birth.

Tears of joy filled the eyes of the shepherds;
They sang and rejoiced in the fields.
They gathered their sheep all together;
And followed the star on the hill.

They came to the city of David;
They led their dear sheep in the way.
They saw the star shining above;
And they found the Savior that day.

In a stable 'neath the glowing star;
They bowed the knee, and bowed their head.
For they found Him wrapped In swaddling clothes;
And lying in a manger bed.

Mary and Joseph welcomed them there;
As they praised and worshiped the King.
Then Mary magnified the Lord;
Her heart filled with joy and rejoicing.

For unto us was born that Christmas day:
A Savior, which was Christ the Lord.
A gift of love, God in the flesh;
Because our God so loved the world.

Susan Y Nikitenko

December 6th, 2012

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bargain of a Lifetime

Bargain of a Lifetime

I know about a bargain;
You really should invest.
This is such a perfect deal;
Better than the best.
Worth more than fine rubies,
Worth more than pure gold,
Worth more than great treasures,
But yet is not sold.
It’s better than houses;
And better than lands.
Better than fortunes;
Yet free to all man.
Bargain of a lifetime;
Really! It’s a steal!
You’ve really got to have it.
It’s really quite a deal.
It will last forever.
It is guaranteed.
It provides enough,
To fill your every need.
It provides a lot of joy.
Gives, peace and perfect rest.
Put it in your home;
It makes a happy nest.
It provides a place of help,
When you find yourself in need,
And from the fear of death;
forever you are freed.
Perfect for the price;
Belief, it is the key.
Free, it’s for the taking;
Yours eternally.
Jesus is the treasure,
Received into your heart.
You will be so very rich,   
And have a brand new start.

By: Susan Y Nikitenko

Applied To One Who Has Faith
And Lives In Faith.

This does not mean you will never have problems.
This poem is for a theme on bargains

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It's Christmas - In The Now

It's Christmas

Susan Y Nikitenko
Humorous Christmas Program Skit
Written December 9th, 2010

Song: It's Christmas

Wise Man 1: Hi, I am a wise man. A real wise guy. This big guy here. He's wise too.

Wise Man 2: Hi, We study the stars and we have spotted a very unusual star. We are here to help reenact and narrate.... The very first Christmas. Christmas is all about C-H-R-I-S-T and that spells Christ.

Wise Man 1: We are in the now, telling the story of the then. We have been traveling from the east for a very long time. We have great gifts for the New born King. We want to honor Him with gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Wise Man 2: Now imagine camels, a dark starry night and dirty feet with blisters singing on our long journey. Remember... We will be traveling at least two more years.

Song: Follow the Star

Shepherd: Hi, I am a shepherd. I am out in the field watching the sheep. I am in the now.... telling the story of the then. All us shepherds were out watching sheep when something nearly scared us to death.
Angels appeared from nowhere......Imagine the whole sky lighting up and the sheep running in fear and one of us yelling "what in the world is that?" .....We were shaking like this. SHAKE Then the angels said.......

Angel: Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

All ANGELS SHOUT; Glory to God in the highest, Glory to God in the highest ........

AngelsHi: We are the angels in the now...well you know

Shepherd: We know and you're telling the story of the then.

Angel: That's right how'd you know?

Shepherd: Everybody knows that.

Angel : Oh

Shepherd: Now we are going to go check things out in Bethlehem. Imagine climbing up a big hill and asking directions while we are moving our sheep along. And here we are worshipping the new born King. We found him in a stable.

Song: Away in a Manger

All: Lu 2:7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

Joseph: Hi, I'm Joseph

Mary: And I'm Mary and this is baby Jesus -

Angel: And the scripture was fulfilled - In the Then!

Mt 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name JESUS; for it is he that shall save his people from their sins.
And we celebrate the birth of our Savior on Christmas day. In the Now!

Song: On Christmas Day

Song: Ring Out The News

Wise Man 2: Remember us, we are the wise men.....We are still traveling in the then, so Imagine sleeping on a sandy bed, and eating interesting food. Imagine long discussions about the stars and very tired legs.

Wise Man1: But we are telling you the story in the now. As we look to the star remember that Jesus is the light of the world. He came into this world and learned and understood our feelings. He suffered and understands human pain. But Jesus never ever sinned. He was perfect yet gave His life so that you could know peace and forgiveness.

Song: Where There's Light There's Hope

Wise Man2: We have gifts of gold, and valuable spices and perfume. Gifts of royalty for the New born King. And as we look to the light we do not fully understand that this King will one day die for the world.

Wise Man 1: Jesus was and is a gift to the world, for He is alone is the way of salvation to all who believe. He gave and He's still giving.

Wise Man2
: And all the wise men and women of this world should give to others and to God, because to love is to give. After all Jesus didn't have to die for us.

Song: To Love is To Give

Wise Man2: Hey, can I ask you a question?

Wise Man: Yea! go ahead.

Wise man 2: Do your feet hurt?

Wise Man 1: No, because I'm living in the Now.

Wise Man 2: Yea, it can be painful living in the past.

Wise Man1: I prefer the Now, cause all my sins are under the blood. I don't like desert travel and I prefer a mattress.

Wise Man 2: You are very wise. Speaking of living in the now. See our Christmas star. Well that star represents the light and Jesus is the light of the world. The Bible speaks of Jesus as a Star in
(2Pe 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: ) Now, when a person believes and puts their trust in Jesus. Jesus the light of the world is born in their heart. It's like a personal Christmas...Jesus not only came to die for us, but He came to live in us and He came that we could live.

Wise Man 1: Every Christmas we are reminded of why Jesus came and how much He loves us, but we really can't understand Christmas until Christmas happens in our hearts.

Song: Christmas Isn't Christmas

Shepherd s Yell: Guess What?

Everyone Yells: What?

Shepherds Yell
: It's Christmas!

It's Christmas

Just A few prop ideas

Books With Script in it and homemade covers saying Wise Guys For Dummy's

Shepherd Hooks can be made out of candy canes tapes up with masking tape then painted

Rafita can be used for hay and reused year after year.

Toy Sheep, cows, horses

The shepherds could hold the sheep.

Book Cover For Program - For The Wise  Men

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Poetry On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All Rights Reserved

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