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Friday, January 6, 2012

Fixing Problems


Fixing Problems


By: Susan Y Nikitenko 
January 6th, 2012

After church on Thursday night our truck would not start.   My husband thought it was the battery so our Son in law pulled out the jumper cables to charge the battery.  The effort was of no avail.  They then slugged through a snowdrift to get to the store across the street.  They bought tools to remove it.  Even though they worked hard they still could not remove it. They were using the wrong tools. 

My daughter and I waited in the car, it was very cold outside.  Our Son in law then drove us to K-mart to buy new tools and a new battery .  Then we went back to the church.  Where they worked a long time, but they still couldn't fix the problem.

It takes us about 25 minutes to drive home from our church.  We went home to get more tools, tools they thought would work.  My daughter and I stayed home.  They went back and worked and did not get back until midnight.  The problem still was not fixed.

They weren't using the right tools and they were working on the wrong problem.  The problem they were working on didn't exist.   The truck didn't need a new battery.  It needs a new starter.

Sometimes people go to fixing something and they're using the wrong tools. 

Anger isn't the right tool to use when you're trying to fix a problem in a relationship for example.

Gossip isn't the right tool to use when you're praying for someone in a group setting.

Tricking isn't the right tool because it creates mistrust and confusion.  Confusion is of the devil. 

We need to be sure we are using the right tools- you know, the "righteous tools". When dealing with the problems of life we need to use tools like prayer and hiding Gods Word in our heart, tools like love and a soft answer, tools like wisdom and encouragement, tools like faith and consideration. These are the right tools.
Sometimes we think we're fixing a problem and it's just made things worse.  We end up breaking something,
that would have never been broken. 

Sometimes we think we have everything figured out, but all along we were trying to fix the wrong thing.
What we were working on never needed fixing at all.

Sometimes we just need a new start.  Just like our truck, it needs a new starter. 

When we go to fixing problems, we need to know for sure the problem is real.

When we go to fixing problems, we need to know it's the right problem.

When we go to fixing problems, we need to be using the right tools.

When we go to fixing problems we better know God wants us to do the fixing.

Hopefully we have the right person repairing our truck, or we may have bigger problems.  

The same way in life.

Jesus is the best  fixer upper I know.
Sometimes the best tool, is leaving things in God's hands. 
  His grace goes a long way.

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I Am Amazed - Some Say

I Am Amazed

By: Susan Y Nikitenko
January 6th, 2012

He amazed the shepherds
On Christmas, long ago.
When a young married virgin;
Gently rocked Him to and fro.

She gave birth to the Savior;
The future risen Lord.
So then and forever;
He would amaze the world.

He amazed the lawyers;
When He taught the law.
When He was just a boy;
He astounded them all.

He amazed the grieving;
When He shouted, "Come Forth".
They witnessed His power;
Change an unchanging course.

Lazarus stood in rags;
As they watched and were amazed;
Their mouth stood open wide;
They glorified and praised.

He amazed His disciples;
In countless miracles.
Walking on the water;
And teaching in parables.

He amazed the children;
With His love and His care.
He taught them lovingly;
And was glad they were there.

They worshiped at His feet;
And listened intently.
With smiles at His stories;
Of love and liberty.

He amazed the world;
Because He healed lepers.
He loved without any fear;
The unwanted beggars.

He amazed the soldiers;
At His selfless Words so true;
Oh Father, forgive them.
They know not what they do.

He amazed the faithless;
When He arose that day.
For the tomb was empty
The stone was rolled away.

Thomas saw the nail prints;
And tears  were wiped away.
They truly were amazed.
On that first Easter day.

His children are amazed;
His children of today.
Because of  changeless love;
His grace has made away..

He loves the unlovable;
With a love that is grand.
He does the impossible.
And He numbers the sand.

I am amazed!

Some Say:
Some say a movie is amazing - but no movie really is that amazing.
Some say a person is amazing - but no person really is that amazing.
Some say a house is amazing - but no house really is that amazing.
Some say a car is amazing - but no car really is that amazing.
Some say a food is amazing - but no food really is that amazing.

Some say someone did an amazing thing - but nothing we do really is 

that amazing.

Our Savior Really--- Is ----Amazing! 
Our Savior Really Did Do---- Amazing Things!
Our Savior Still Does Amazing Things!

Poetry On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All Rights Reserved

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