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Showing posts with label parables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parables. Show all posts

Friday, January 6, 2012

I Am Amazed - Some Say

I Am Amazed

By: Susan Y Nikitenko
January 6th, 2012

He amazed the shepherds
On Christmas, long ago.
When a young married virgin;
Gently rocked Him to and fro.

She gave birth to the Savior;
The future risen Lord.
So then and forever;
He would amaze the world.

He amazed the lawyers;
When He taught the law.
When He was just a boy;
He astounded them all.

He amazed the grieving;
When He shouted, "Come Forth".
They witnessed His power;
Change an unchanging course.

Lazarus stood in rags;
As they watched and were amazed;
Their mouth stood open wide;
They glorified and praised.

He amazed His disciples;
In countless miracles.
Walking on the water;
And teaching in parables.

He amazed the children;
With His love and His care.
He taught them lovingly;
And was glad they were there.

They worshiped at His feet;
And listened intently.
With smiles at His stories;
Of love and liberty.

He amazed the world;
Because He healed lepers.
He loved without any fear;
The unwanted beggars.

He amazed the soldiers;
At His selfless Words so true;
Oh Father, forgive them.
They know not what they do.

He amazed the faithless;
When He arose that day.
For the tomb was empty
The stone was rolled away.

Thomas saw the nail prints;
And tears  were wiped away.
They truly were amazed.
On that first Easter day.

His children are amazed;
His children of today.
Because of  changeless love;
His grace has made away..

He loves the unlovable;
With a love that is grand.
He does the impossible.
And He numbers the sand.

I am amazed!

Some Say:
Some say a movie is amazing - but no movie really is that amazing.
Some say a person is amazing - but no person really is that amazing.
Some say a house is amazing - but no house really is that amazing.
Some say a car is amazing - but no car really is that amazing.
Some say a food is amazing - but no food really is that amazing.

Some say someone did an amazing thing - but nothing we do really is 

that amazing.

Our Savior Really--- Is ----Amazing! 
Our Savior Really Did Do---- Amazing Things!
Our Savior Still Does Amazing Things!

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