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Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Master Jeweler

The Master Jeweler

by: Susan Y Nikitenko

I am a precious jewel;
In my Saviors sight.
Once a stone, within the ground;
Shining now, in His light.

I was dead, hid from sight;
Love, it dug me out.
When my night was brought to light;
Angels praised and jumped about.

I am special in His hand;
A diamond, dingy, dark and dim,
And He is busy molding me;
Into a perfect, Holy Gem.

In this world of dirt and rock;
There lies hidden treasures, lost.
Busy now, He looks for them;
He bought them at the cross.

While He chips your dross away;
With pressure, in the fire.
Remember, He’s the master jeweler;
Your beauty, His desire.

So put yourself, in His hands;
And take His change, as love.
When others see you shining;
They’ll trust in Him, above.

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