The Battle Rages
By: Susan Y Nikitenko
The battle rages, day to day,
The fiery darts fly nigh.
The enemy is relentless.
He traps the passerby.
Dodge those flaming arrows of doubt;
Duck the lies of demise.
Run from the trickery of lust;
Cover your wandering eyes.
Our weapon is the Word of God;
With shield, by faith we stand.
We guard our heart in righteousness;
And keep our Sword in hand.
Our dear Lord, He leads the battle.
He cries out, “Move ahead!
Keep faith, I’ll guide you through the fire;
Let’s go, lift up the dead."
"Let’s rescue all our wounded troops,
Lead them back into the camp.
I’ll be there to bring you through;
Remember, I’m your lamp."
"The enemy, desires souls;
He wants them all to burn;
Go out and fight, with heavens might
Convince the lost to turn."
"Keep your hand held tight to mine;
Please never slip away.
The enemy, wants to bind you;
And take you as his prey."
"Yes, the enemy, seems so strong,
He’s winning everywhere;
But listen men, let’s fight the fight;
The Truth will soon appear.”
Soon the shining clouds will open;
Rays of radiance will gleam.
The Lord of glory shall come forth;
As though it were a dream.
Peaceful bliss, like a new morning;
Will reign forevermore.
Comforted in the arms of God;
In rest from fight and war.
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