Little Dream
Little dream- how do you do?
All of us sure do love you.
Wonder if your eyes are green'
Or if they are seaside blue.
We look forward to the day;
We see you for the first time.
When we hold you in our arms;
Sing to you this gentle rhyme.
Because you're such a blessing;
With our hearts we stand expressing.
We are so thankful today;
That little dreams do come true.
Little dream- how do you do?
One day soon our eyes will meet.
We'll hold your little warm hands;
And kiss both your tiny feet;
Hold you close and smell your hair;
rock you to and fro with care;
In words spoken soft and sweet;
Speak your name in ev'ry pray'r;
A tiny life all brand new;
So much to learn, So much to do.
Precious one, we are so glad;
That little dreams do come true.
Susan Nikitenko
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