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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Things I Do Not Want To Forget

Things I Do Not Want To Forget

This past year I had some interesting injuries.  I was stung 13 times by yellow jackets while working in my garden.  I had absolutely no swelling.  It hurt when they stung me, I did not yell or scream or panic. I just quickly went into my home where one followed me and stung me on the hand.  All the effects of the stings were gone by the next day.  Though there was some itching for a very short time.

I burned myself while I was cooking.  I had a pretty bad burn on my hand.  I went to church with a bandage on my hand.  I told them about my week, about the bees and the burn on my hand.  There were some other things but I didn't talk about them.  I'm sure that they prayed for me.  I felt that my hand healed quicker than normal.  The bee stings were unusual only because they did not affect me.

Another injury that happened to my hand.  A heavy tote fell from the top of other totes while I was looking for something.  It hit my hand hard and left a cut across the little bones on the top of my right hand.  I was afraid my hand would be bruised very badly. I prayed and asked the Lord not to let my hand bruise and that it wouldn't do any damage to my hand.  My hand healed quicker than normal again.  It healed within a week and the wound was even gone.  It didn't even leave a scar.

Susan Nikitenko -November  2019

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