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Monday, February 8, 2021

What Has Become Broken About America?

What Has Become Broken About America?

 I believe God’s blessing will remain upon a nation as long as we as a nation, follow the principles of biblical truth.  God does not bless us based upon how beautiful we are, how tall we are, how white we are, or how black we are.  God’s love is no greater towards a people, based upon color.  God, however, does have a chosen people, the children of Israel.  The children of Israel are not white and they are not black.  God does not make judgments about us by looking at our outward appearance.  Scripture says God looks rather at the inward heart.  The inward heart I’m talking about is the very essence of who we are.  God looks at our country and the heart behind what motivates it.  When our country stops looking for wisdom and direction from the Word.  That is called, turning your back on God and going your own way.

God is still not pleased with scripture being used as a way to promote what God’s already said not to do.  Our country has made some wrong turns, our nation is no longer following what God will bless. Then we know that our country has become broken to the protecting hand of God.   If you truly believe there is a God then there will be a fear of God.  God could very well bring judgment to America just as He has in biblical history, with many nations including Israel.  When Israel decided to live outside of the protecting hand of God, many of Israel’s people and children were taken into captivity. Many times after a while, Isreal starting crying out to God realizing their sin. Then God would see their repentance and show them mercy.

If we truly want our country blessed, we will continue to bless Israel.   If we want God to answer the prayers of our country, we will protect the innocent and the shedding of innocent blood.  If we fear God, we will seek his will through prayer and not answer to anyone else until we have acknowledged God. 

If Christians start being persecuted by our government, for standing first for what God wants.  Then we know our country is broken.  Our country has known great blessings from God.  We have no excuse as a nation.  God has showered us with many blessings for hundreds of years.  It is when we lose the blessings we do have; we will understand what blessings we have lost.  Some young people do not recognize what blessings have already been lost.  They only know the now they are living. 

Susan Y Nikitenko, February 8th, 2021

Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

 1Samual   16:7 
But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

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