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Showing posts with label eyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eyes. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2013

Crossed Eyes

 Crossed Eyes

When I get tired most people who know me well, know that when I get really tired my eye has the tendency to lean slightly to one side.  When I was around three years of age my mother noticed I had  problems with my eyes.  She took me to the doctor and He said I would need a surgery to straighten my eyes  and it needed to be done at a very early age or it would be too late.  My mother  sat up a surgery date, which was at five years old, and when the day came I was very afraid.  My mother sat by my bed as I told her how afraid I was and she sat up with me playing paper dolls.  I guess I fell off to sleep and the next thing I knew I became conscious in the surgery room long enough to think they were stealing my eyeballs.  I couldn't move or anything,  I was just conscious  enough to be aware.  After surgery I woke up in my bed and became very alarmed. Then my mother held me tight and tried to comfort me, but I was screaming because I thought I was blind and I kept screaming over and over again " they stole my eyeballs, they stole my eyeballs,  and panicked enough to start swinging my fists as my mother held me in her arms. I hit her in my panic as though I were drowning. My mother told me later in life that I had hit her until my mother had black and blue marks, because she would not let me put my hands to my face but I managed to get my hands to my face and ripped those bandages of my eyes.  Then a calmness came over my little body because I could see.  I said, "then with joy.  I see two mommy's,  I see two daddies and two nurses walking down the hall. "   I could see two of everything.

I had to wear a patch over one of my eyes along with my cat eye glasses.  I hated those glasses I hid numerous pares.  I hid them in the sand, I hid them in the hamper.  I remember waking one morning and I hunted for my glasses and couldn't find them.  I became very frightened because I had a bad dream that a hand came out of a box and took my glasses.  So then my glasses became very important because I couldn't understand where they were and I was scared because all I could see was that hand taking my glasses.

My mother  later found my glasses in a flower arrangement that was placed in a bowl that was held up by cherubs.  None of us knew for sure how they got there.  So my parents believed I was sleepwalking. 
I praise God my eyes are both looking in the same direction and thanks to the doctors that made sure they did a job that has lasted still to this day.  Because I can see and I can see straight.

Susan Y Nikitenko
June 21st, 2013
Short Clips from My Past

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